This Year's Goal:

This year, Student Led Change aims to create a system for recycling all paper towels used in Falmouth High School's bathrooms. 

This Years Drive

Donate pajamas to help kids in foster care!

 Donation bins can be found in the lobbies of Falmouth Elementary, Middle, and High School from November 27th to December 15th. 

All donations go to A Family for ME foster care. All pajamas must be NEW.  

Student Led Change is structured around three levels of change: individual leadership skills, organization action, and collaboration.  We are training an army of thoughtful, capable volunteers, who will go out into the world, with the skills necessary to enact positive change for a lifetime.

Organizational Goals and Objectives:

 - Enhancing student understanding of issues influencing their community and the world today.  

 - Development of student ability to implement meaningful change with training by informed individuals with a background in successful fundraising. 

 - Multiply the impact of change by mentoring other school systems nationwide, as they join Student Led Change and create local branches in their own schools. 

 - Positive change implemented within one school system is shared with the other branches, serving as inspiration for change elsewhere.